
Amateuring my way through this world. Welcome to my humble abode.

This blog has become my home away from home over the years. As with any home, I’ve even had a love-hate relationship with it -experiencing a long stint of writer’s block back when I believed ideas were a limited resource.

When I finally worked through that rough patch, this blog was here waiting. Strangers showed up to read my poetry and other posts. Some appreciated what they read and even offered advice. Again, I was reminded why sharing what we write -sharing our homes- is important. During challenging times in my life, fellow bloggers and readers have helped me to retain my faith in humanity and in my own abilities.

Maybe, by this point, you can see why I keep coming back here and why this has become like home to me. Life continues to remind me that I am just but an amateur making her way through this world with much to learn and unlearn. And every time: this corner of the big, wide, virtual world calls back, “Even strangers are willing to show up and support you. So don’t give up on yourself. Keep going.”

Lovely to meet you. Thank you for your time and attention.


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