Experimenting with Micropoetry

How do you say something well in half a handful of words? This is the question I’m spending July with.

June has been a success in terms of prolific writing. In addition to other aspects of my writing practice, I’ve been writing and publishing (on Instagram @anauthorshome) a poem for every day of the month -except the 1st of June, full disclosure. Also in the spirit of honesty, most of the poems were written in batches at the beginning of the month, then edited as they were published. I think this was a better crop than the April poems but who knows.

For July, I’d like to try micropoetry -which I’ve never done before. As a lover of longform content, I watch long videos told as by a grandmother at a bonfire and I write long posts. I like the slow unravelling of a story. Although I do appreciate fast-paced novels. In any case, micropoetry would be a departure from what I’m used to: the whole point of the experiment.

Prolific writing has brought a certain type of meaning to life. It would be great for most people to take up some form of art and just do it for no real reason across the span of their lives. Not as a career per se. But just to have something with which to express their humanity. Art brings out our hidden parts in unexpected ways, helps us understand ourselves and others.

Image from Pixabay: Agostinho Neto, Angolan Poet (1922 – 1979)

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